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Your First Visit to New Testament?
What should you expect?

Visiting a church for the first time can be a daunting experience. There are many unknowns, and many questions that you will have. 


'What is the church like?'

'Will I feel welcomed?'

'Will I fit in?'

'What should I wear?'

'What should I bring?'

'What can I expect?'


Our desire is that your time with us will be encouraging, friendly and enjoyable for you and your whole family. We want you to feel right at home from the very first time you visit our church. We want to do everything we can to put your mind at ease, so we have prepared answers for some of your main questions that you may have regarding your first visit to New Testament Baptist Church (NTBC).


How do I get to NTBC?


Click here for a map and directions to our church. Hopefully you will find all that you need to know about getting to our church on our 'Location and Service Times' page. We have a car park with ample parking for everyone, with designated 'Visitors Parking' spots to ensure you will have a place to park when you visit us.


What are the services like?


At NTBC we aim to promote a friendly, loving, family atmosphere. We always start out our service with some congregational singing and a greeting. Our services are centred around Jesus Christ and his word – The Bible. During our services, we place a strong emphasis on the preaching and teaching of the Bible.


We aim to have special music every Sunday Morning.


Following the services we have tea and coffee and refreshments available for everyone. This is a great opportunity for you to connect with our members and make new friends.


What should I wear?


There is not a dress code at NTBC for members or guests, but our ministry leaders and many of our church family dress in more traditional "Sunday" dress.


What should I bring?


All that we ask is that you bring yourself and be ready to have a great time. We don't have church services to see what we can get from you, but rather what we can give you. If you have a bible we encourage you to bring it along, however there will be church bibles available at the back of our auditorium.



What is there for my children?


We have a fully-equipped creche that is provided during Sunday Morning Worship. We also have an exciting Sunday School programme held at 10 a.m., before our Sunday Morning Worship service for all ages. The Sunday School and creche will both be staffed by our DBS certified children's workers. Our desire is to provide a fun-filled environment in which children can learn more about the Bible and meet new friends.


Am I required to give an offering?


No, if you come out to our services, this does not mean you have an obligation to give an offering toward our ministry. We simply want our service to be our gift to you. Please don't feel under any obligation to take part in the offering as a guest at our church.


What will I leave with?


We hope that you will leave with a smile on your face, encouraged and refreshed by your time with us. We hope that you will have had a chance to talk to a number of our members. 


Other questions?

If you have any other questions that you would like answered before you join us for the first time at NTBC, please get in touch with us:

Via email -

Via phone - 01353 675200

Via question form - click here


We will do our best to answer any questions you have as soon as we can. We look forward to seeing you around New Testament Baptist Church very soon.


Call us:

01353 675200

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